

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monkey Bobunky goes to Ballet Class

    Once upon a time in Veggieland Monkey Bobunky was going to Ballet class. She had a beautiful tutu and and purple leotard. She was very excited it was her first day. She skipped all the way to class, when she walked in she saw her teacher, stopped and twirled. Her teacher introduced herself, "My name is Elephant Smellaphant, but you can call my Miss Elly"
They stretched and and watched Miss Elly show them some of the moves they would be learning. After Miss Elly was done she turned on some music and let the students dance around using the moves she just showed them. Monkey Bobunky had so much fun she could not wait to come back again next week.
The End

Jaqabell as Monkey Bobunky!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kiddo Patito Meets the New PE Teacher

      Once upon a time in Veggieland, Kiddo Patito was very excited because he was meeting the new PE teacher today! Kiddo Patito got ready as fast as lightning, and Kiddo Patito and Monkey Bobunky were the first ones at school and had to wait in the car until some one rang a bell and opened the gate. They were the first ones at breakfast and took their time, then they went outside to play and only played for one minute until the bell rang. Ding Ding Ding the bell rang and Kiddo Patitio and Monkey Bobunky walked inside their classroom. Then they listened to announcements and said the pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all."

     After announcements they went to PE.  Everyone was surprised that their new PE teacher was a Fox! So they all ran except Kiddo Patito because he knew that Mr. Fox was a nice fox. To get everyone to calm down he gave them cherries! While they were eating their cherries Mr. Fox told all about himself. Then they played a game called Mr. Fox, he explained how to play the game: "First you line up facing me, then ask 'What time is it Mr. Fox?' and then if I reply 'Time to go to grandma's' you take one step forward, but if i say "Midnight!" you run all around until someone is tagged and you join the fox side. The next time I say 'Midnight' all of the foxes must tag someone. You only run if I say "Midnight". Time to play" but before they could start Middle Mittin asked "How does the game end?" and Mr. Fox replied "When everyone is a fox!" Middle Mitten said "ok" and the game started. When the game ended Mrs. Celery came and picked up her class and said "Thank you Mr. Fox". 
The End!